Умен Дом

Uberdesk Pro: Подробно ревю
В днешния забързан свят е по-важно отвсякога да балансираме работата с личния живот. Тенденцията сред хората е към все по-голямо и продължително заседяване, вредните последици от които са твърде очевидни, за да продължават да се пренебрегват. Както всеки проблем, и...
Ревю на Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra: Това ли е най-добрата прахосмукачка-робот?
Ако никога не сте чували за Roborock, е много малко вероятно да сте дори малко запознати с роботизираните прахосмукачки. Roborock е пионер в индустрията с изключителните си прахосмукачки-робот. Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra е най-новият им модел и идва с вибриращ...
DreameBot L10s Ultra Review: The Robot Vacuum of the Future?
DreameBot L10s Ultra Review: The Robot Vacuum of the Future? Robot vacuums have taken a big load off our shoulders. If we work 10 hours a day, maintain the household, take care of kids and cook food, we have no...
Xiaomi AX3000: WiFi-6 Mesh System
Our lives are incomplete without the Internet; online classes and assignments at school and university, office work, receptionists, online businesses, and all other fields are necessitous of the Internet. And with lockdown during Corona, our lives are limited to our...
Dreame Bot L10 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner: Better, Smarter, Faster, Stronger
Dreame Bot L10 Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner: Better, Smarter, Faster, Stronger Robot Vacuum cleaners are getting more and more functional and stronger. Dreame Bot L10 Pro is the latest and strongest vacuum cleaner. It has a suction power of 4000pa...
Best Xiaomi Products 2 Years Review Tech4all
The 10 Best Xiaomi Products You Can Trust Long After Release (2 years of usage review)
In the constant stream of new technology, we tend to overlook the products that have proven trustworthy over long periods of time. Although in the tech world “new” means “advanced”, gadgets that remain a constant in our collection are worthy...